Lets face it when it comes to ageing there is not a lot that happens to our bodies that we can say improves our well being. Our metabolism slows, hair falls out or goes grey, you ache more, sleep less, and so on. That's only what happens when you are looking after yourself, imagine what can happen if you are over eating, smoking and drinking into the early hours. Oh did I mention no sleep, I have a family and there is always someone in the house who is going to wake you up in the middle of the night to the tune of "daddy I am not feeling very well," ahhh I know life is a bitch, but what are you going to do?
Get off your fat, sorry arse and write down on an envelope all the little bad habits that are turning you into a ball of jello. Then tackle each one at a time! Sounds so simple huh!
Here is my list, and in no particular order,
- poor diet, eating way too much chocolate
- lack of exercise
- lack of sleep
- work way too much
- not understanding what I am eating (nutritionally)
- HUGE craving for sugar and deserts
- overeating
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