Getting Started and Measuring Up

Measuring Up!!

Easier said then done. Everyone starts off with the best intentions, " I will be good, I will eat better, go the gym, sleep earlier etc etc!" But......... How often do we revert back to the 'old ways', start a diet on Monday and gorge on chocolate and ice-cream by Friday. Been there done that so what is so different this time? I have to set a realistic goal.

The first things is knowing what you have to work with. Weigh yourself and take measurements above the hips and around the waist. If you can measure your fat% great too although these are not 100% accurate on a day to day basis this measurement will help you get an idea of your overall trend and fat levels.   

Some of these health measure will need to be taken at a doctors or if you have a home blood pressure monitor all the better. Click here for Bupa healthcare health calculators. 

A blood test could be a good idea if you are worried about any of you other markers like blood sugar levels cholesterol and triglycerides.  

My Cholestorol, Hba1cTriglycerides  are all close to normal. 

So here are my stats  taken in April 2017. 

Height 185 cm Weight  97.5 kg Age 38

Body Mass Index (BMI) 28.6

The BMI is a well-established measure to determine if your weight is healthy for your height.
BMI can be higher in well-muscled, fit individuals and for this reason it’s also very important to consider body fat percentage alongside the BMI for an overall assessment of body composition. For this reason I am not going to pay too much attention to this as i am fairly well built and quit muscular naturally.   
Body fat percentage 25.4%

This value shows the proportion of fat and lean tissue in your body. If the balance of fat to lean tissue is too high, this can increase your risk of certain types of health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease.

Waist 100cm 

Waist-height ratio 54 (waist/height)*100

Blood pressure   123/75 mmHg

Having high blood pressure (hypertension) is not usually something that you feel or notice. It does not tend to produce obvious signs or symptoms so it’s important to monitor it regularly.

Estimated Average Energy Requirement 

Your Estimated Average Energy Requirement (EAR) is the number of calories per day your body requires to maintain good health and would be expected to maintain your current weight at your current activity level.  Calculate yours here
2800 calories per day   2000 cals per day if inactive


As you can see I am well on the way to a life of misery. 
What is is my ideal weight, I guess I don't really have one, I just want to feel and look healthy and be endangering my health. Given my body frame and muscular build, if I had to say it's probably around 80-83 Kg. This would put me in the recommended weight distribution for my height which is in the range of 68-86 Kg.    More importantly I would like to drop my fat % to nearer 10% not the current wobbly 25%. This would also bring my BMI into the healthy range (23-24) from its current 28.6. 
Body Fat Percentage Ranges For Men By Age Group

Rating20-39 Years40-59 Years60-79 Years
Low< 8%< 11%< 13%
High> 25%> 28%> 30%

GOAL 80-83 Kg and maintaining it! 10-12% body fat...Come on you can do it to!!!
Not Going to worry too much about BMI for now but I will keep track of it. 

In my next blog I am going to detail how I am going to achieve this goal with small achievable steps taken one at a time. 


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