"Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"
Anorexia and eating disorder organisations as well as the media chastised "Cocaine Kate" for what was deemed insensitive and encouraging others to follow a size zero lifestyle. If you don't take the words too literally its a completely sensible way to think of overeating. I think what Kate really should of said was "nothing tastes as good as healthy feels!"
3 months ago I could sit down and eat an entire 6 person carrot cake, a tub of Hagen Daz and half an hour later want more. I knew I was causing great harm to my body but I just couldn't help myself. I knew I was addicted to sugar and I would need a fix every half an hour or so. This addiction is what motivated me to try and cut out refined sugars out my diet starting with the Keto diet and then moving to a more sensible low carb diet once I shed the majority of my body fat.
Before I started this fitness drive I had bought some new clothes online (can't pass a bargain) but I was disappointed that the sizing was all on the small side and none of them would fit me comfortably. A denim shirt that I could not button, and 3 pears of jeans that I just simply could not get into or close. Instead of sending them back I kept over £500 worth of clothing in the cupboard with the determination to fit in them in the near future. I am happy to report that I now fit in all of them. I found that having those clothes hanging in my wardrobe and seeing them everyday was a great reminder of what my goals were and why I was doing this. I recommend doing this to anybody serious about getting fit, that and pinning up a photo of Chris Pratt as a reminder that if he can do it so can I!
I have just weighed myself and after 3 months of sensible dieting and exercise I have dropped over 10 kg. Yipeee! How do I feel, amazing, really amazing. Through dietary changes I now have way more energy, my run times have improved dramatically and when I lift my shirt up I have the outline of what maybe a six pack and some body definition. I have dropped nearly 7 cm around my waste and clothes fit me like never before. I look and feel amazing and I have done this by eating over 2200 calories a day, I cant stress how good that feels.
Will I ever eat a piece of cake or indulge in my favourite gelato? I hope so but I hope to train my brain to recognise a treat and not treat sugar like an addicts needle. Feeling this good is addictive and gives you hope that whilst getting older it is always possible to reverse the damage done by years of sugar abuse.
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